Every Enterprise cloud provider aspires to provide cloud services in a professional manner, adhering to established standards and best practices. They want to accomplish their job as efficiently as possible, with no errors, no omissions, and with consideration of all possible use cases. Such an approach appears natural and beneficial, but it could lead to a slew of issues with the cloud solution. What if their meticulousness and perfectionist tendencies lead to overengineering that transcends the client's needs and specifications, as well as his budget and agreed-upon deadline? When a product is designed with more features than it needs, the services become overly complex and inefficient when used for their intended purpose. The system's growing costs, risks, and/or complexities will eventually cause it to fail.
Let's have a look at the complications that result from this cloud solution overkill:
Unexpected Increases in authorized budgets will add to the Overall Complexity
When configuring cloud and non-cloud technology, the end result should never be a cloud architecture that is significantly more expensive than the previous state of the design. Although it's usual to spend more on a cloud solution than on its foundation, you must also consider the various benefits it provides to your company. A fair general rule for a cost rise that is acceptable is roughly 15% more than the starting point. Clients, on the other hand, end up paying more than expected due to the feature-rich architecture that the client may not fully utilize.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cloud architecture, the most effective cloud architects focus on centralized efficiency and cost reduction. When we add too many unneeded features just because we can, we call it to overkill. These features raise costs without providing a return on investment. When the least amount of sophistication is used, value-added cloud architecture is created.
Command and Control Complexity
For most businesses, the main issue is a lack of centralized planning. Because of the widespread usage of cloud-based resources in recent times, many businesses have hurried to install cloud solutions without sufficient planning or centralized command and control. When it comes to shared services, operations, security, and other areas, too many options and a lack of governance may quickly turn a huge mess into something that teams will have to work with.
For example, if a service is used in a multi-cloud solely for the purpose of catering to one team, it will simply result in unused resources or untapped benefits. Subprojects in many cloud projects are disconnected from one another. Different techniques and technology are frequently the consequence of independent solution planning. A Cloud Solution with a poorly coordinated development and migration team will not have a completely optimized meta-architecture. Instead, a solution with too many moving pieces will most likely result from a lack of central control and coordination.
SSOT for Enterprise Data is ineffective due to Data Complexity
Although clients believe that moving to the cloud will finally give them the capabilities to centralize enterprise data in a single go-to database for storing important data and extract metrics, most of the time, teams will set up too many different types of databases during the move to the cloud due to a lack of centralized coordination around common database services. You'll never find a single source of truth (SSOT) due to data complexity.
The development or migration teams frequently select more databases with more differences than are required, resulting in the formation of silos. Individually, the decisions of the teams are frequently taken for legitimate reasons. The impact on the enterprise's cloud deployment, on the other hand, is too much complexity, which increases expense and risk. Experts suggest that overdoing your cloud will only result in having a highly rich architecture that will not be used to its fullest extent.
The saying "Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it" doesn't apply here as the stakes are too high on the command and cost spectrum. On the other hand, it would be better to avail a tailored solution to your needs with a customized cloud solution plan that clearly outlines what your desired outcome is.