Our luggage has become lighter, quicker, and safer since the advent of Cloud Technology. It has changed the world by reducing delays and rising efficiency by allowing us to access information from anywhere and at any time. The COVID 19 pandemic has been addressed by cloud technology, which has gradually enabled the rapid production of vaccines by providing knowledge and hope in the face of adversity. Cloud has given businesses and individuals wings by assisting them in developing and scaling their operations. Pharmaceutical firms, for example, have successfully used cloud-based technologies to produce their trial and final batches.
The world's cloud computing industry is expected to develop significantly in the coming year, according to healthcare and technology organizations. Cloud computing isn't a brand-new phenomenon in the healthcare industry, but over the past few years, the adoption of cloud technologies has increased at a rapid rate. The outbreak of COVID-19 has only accelerated this phenomenon. Although these pandemic effects are still emerging, it is clear that not everyone will suffer the same consequences, with some showing signs of promising progress.
According to a recent survey, global cloud technology demand in the healthcare industry is expected to rise by $25.54 billion by 2024. |
Healthcare professionals had to rethink patient-physician relationships as social distancing became the new norm, and technologies that had been slowly emerging, such as electronic health records, were rapidly accelerated. This new fact, combined with changes in patient expectations and current payment structures, has made technology a critical component not only in improving patient care, driving efficiency, and eliminating waste, but also in ensuring patient safety. The most well-known advantages of cloud computing are mentioned below. These various levers will assist you in determining which types of in-house technology should be activated and which should be moved to the cloud.
Secure Ecosystem:
Most cloud services provide risk assessment and security solutions to safeguard their users from unauthorized access and breaches. With the emerging threats on data breaches, on-premise security may not be able to defend sophisticated attacks. Healthcare on the other hand, are moving to cloud based security models to encompass their services across their users around the world. Cloud aids them with an updated security while giving them full control over the process.
Flexibility is a Virtue
Depending on the volume of patients, cloud computing enables healthcare facilities to optimize or minimize data retention. If a need arises, increasing the company's capability is as simple as pressing a button. Similarly, if the size of a cloud model needs to be reduced, ease of doing it is available. Since any failure has an impact on patient safety and spending, flexibility can be a true competitive advantage with Healthcare industry. It also helps in sudden changes in resource allocations for priority researches.
Cost Optimization
Medical professionals can save money on expensive hardware and systems by using cloud storage as part of a subscription model. Furthermore, by using the service provider's services through the use of a cloud server, health facilities will reduce costs. Lesser time can be spent on maintaining the systems and more time towards their medical innovations.
Virtual Care
With recent developments, caregivers can use virtual patient insights during virtual clinical visits to get a holistic, 360-degree view of their patients care plans in one framework. They will be able to see who is waiting for their appointment, allowing them to prepare personal information ahead of time. With cloud getting integrated more and more into the processes, the demand for reliable and enterprise ready cloud will keep growing.
The most important move for cloud is for companies to go online and embrace it. They must realize that it will set the stage for increased efficiency, creativity, and development, which will determine their success. According to industry estimates, the Indian cloud computing market is currently worth $2.2 billion and is projected to expand by 30% year over year to $7.1 billion by 2024. It will continue to support global public health and safety sustainability and stability as countries work to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and plan for potential public health threats.
Cloud computing continues to expand and enhance the capabilities of computing power for healthcare, resulting in new technologies that assist healthcare professionals in connecting remotely with patients, improving care teamwork, and customizing to meet the needs of each healthcare client. Click to know more on Enterprise ready cloud and how it can help transcend your business.