Posts about

Security by Design

Five security challenges that could go through 2022

Extreme Compute’s Cloud Threat Landscape Report for 2021 showed an increase in cloud application...

Shared responsibility and challenges in cloud security

Every business must prioritise safeguarding its data on the cloud. Due to shared resources and...

A Robust Cloud Security Architecture brings your strategy together

An overlooked and misunderstood part of cloud computing is establishing a security architecture....

Why do we need Security Hardening Standards?

What is Security Hardening?A hardening standard defines the baseline standards for each system....

Building a resilient cloud with top three DR Models - Extreme Compute

Although many sectors have been impacted by the lockdown and subsequent restrictions that have...

Why Security by design is essential to Banking's new avatar - Extreme Compute

To stay relevant in the coming years, banks must embrace continuous reinvention of their business...

Make a Disaster Recovery plan that matters - ExtremeCompute

Businesses are becoming more yielding and sensitive to emerging technologies in the web, social and...

It’s never too late to re-evaluate your backup plan | Extreme Compute

Data protection architecture of the database should be specified by business requirements. Such...

Be Future ready with Security by Design - Extreme Compute

Security is mandatory for all companies : 

If you put your customers or users at risk, you won't...

Best practises of Enterprises unveiled - Backup and Recovery

Enterprise maintenance of Backup and Recovery

Backups for data storage seem to be a simple...